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Sending Flowers to Hoboken has never been this easy! Our Hoboken flower delivery service is easy, fast and reliable. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday or an anniversary, our florists will deliver fresh flowers to Hoboken. We deliver to zip code 07030 and 07086.

72 bouquets


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Beautiful, fresh, vibrant arrangement delivered right on time!

avatar of Azizah  Hines Azizah Hines

“Everything was smooth ”

Everything was smooth The picture add it a very nice touch

avatar of Miguel Flores Miguel Flores

“The arrangement was beautiful!”

The arrangement was beautiful and fresh. Additionally, the bouquet was delivery well before the time anticipated. The recipient loved them!

avatar of Michelle H. Michelle H.

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  • Same Day Delivery

    In NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Austin and Miami. Next day delivery throughout the US

  • Arranged Locally

    Our flower arrangements are meticulously arranged right here in the United States at one of our six local ateliers, where we bring the artistry of French bouquet creation to life

  • Signature Gift Box

    Most of our arrangements are delivered in our distinctive pink box, ensuring the full impact of your considerate gift while safeguarding the flowers

  • Receive a Photo

    What you see is what you get! And as proof, we'll send you an email with a picture of your bouquet


The town of Hoboken, NJ will forever be linked to legendary singer Frank Sinatra, the place where the entertainer grew up. Initially settled as part of the Pavonia, New Netherland colony, the township of Hoboken itself was formed in 1849 and incorporated in 1855.

The town was part of the New Jersey waterfront and part of the great New Jersey and New York port, the landing place of much of the early transatlantic trade. This location by the Hudson River gave the initial area a rich wildlife and flora. When the town was developed it incorporated four main parks in the development and as it has grown numerous other parks have been added allowing a rich presence of natural flowers throughout the city.


The Hoboken Parks Initiative has been an ongoing project since 2005 to add park settings to the development plans of the city. Promenades are required in waterfront developments with areas for flowers and other plant life.

Some of the native flowers found in and around Hoboken include Dutchman's Breeches - a yellow-white flower that resembles pantaloons and blooms in the spring, the Yellow Trout Lily - a large six-petalled yellow flowers, Goat's Beard - 6-10" plumes of small cream-colored flowers and Wild Columbine - unique red and yellow flowers that attract hummingbirds.


This association with flowers was continued by the legendary native son. "Daisy is darling, Iris is sweet / Lily is lovely, Blossom's a treat / Of all the sweethearts - a guy could meet / Well I finally chose an American beauty rose," are the lyrics of one of Frank Sinatra's well known songs America Beauty Rose. Flowers being an intertwined part of romance it is not surprising that they are mentioned in many of Sinatra's songs.


Ode à la Rose delivers to Hoboken, NJ within 24 hours. Delivery is available throughout New Jersey from Monday through Friday only. Cut off time is 3:00pm the day before. For Monday deliveries, the cut off time is Saturday 12:00pm. The company takes pride in our delivery areas, especially those in the tri-state area. We also deliver to many other towns and cities throughout New Jersey.