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Send flowers to Elmhurst, Queens. Our florists design unique flower arrangements in our flower shop delivered in our signature gift box to zip code 11373.

164 bouquets


They talk about us

“Gorgeous bouquet with vase”

Gorgeous bouquet with vase. Pricey but stunning.

avatar of Jane Masri Jane Masri

“My first time using and it seemed to be…”

My first time using and it seemed to be a nice flower arrangement. Sent to my daughter so didn’t see it personally

avatar of Teresa Norton Teresa Norton

“The reaction was “Exquisite”

The reaction was “Exquisite! Gorgeous!!! Amazing!!!l

avatar of Richard Richard

4.5 out of 5

Based on 3404 reviews



In its early days, Elmhurst, Queens was a Dutch settlement. Nowadays, the neighborhood is known for its predominantly Southeast Asian population. In fact, Elmhurst is the home of a growing Chinatown—the fourth in New York and the second in Queens, after one located in Flushing. Most of the neighborhood’s dining options are fittingly Asian in influence, including Sweet Yummy House (a Sichuan Chinese restaurant), Sky Café (Indonesian), Taste Good (Malaysian), and Chao Thai (Thai). If you’re not in the mood for Asian cuisine, you’ll be able to find multiple diners and Irish pubs around the neighborhood. In addition to terrific, exotic food, Elmhurst is also home to two of the shopping malls in Queens.

The first, Queens Center, is where you’ll find Macy’s, J.C. Penney, the Apple Store, H&M, and more. The second, Queens Place Mall, is smaller, but still houses a Best Buy and a Target, among several other stores and restaurants. The terrific shopping and dining options make Elmhurst the perfect Queens neighborhood for a romantic night out.

To make your date extra special, keep an eye out for flower stores in Elmhurst, or order a bouquet from Ode à la Rose. We currently offer flower delivery to Elmhurst.

Popular delivery zones
  • Same Day Delivery

    In NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Austin and Miami. Next day delivery throughout the US

  • Arranged Locally

    Our flower arrangements are meticulously arranged right here in the United States at one of our six local ateliers, where we bring the artistry of French bouquet creation to life

  • Signature Gift Box

    Most of our arrangements are delivered in our distinctive pink box, ensuring the full impact of your considerate gift while safeguarding the flowers

  • Receive a Photo

    What you see is what you get! And as proof, we'll send you an email with a picture of your bouquet