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The best online NYC flower shop provides flower delivery to Borough Park, Brooklyn. Amazing bouquets made by the best florists. Order now!

173 bouquets


They talk about us

“Beautiful flowers and beautiful service”

Beautiful flowers and beautiful service

avatar of CJean CJean

“Gorgeous bouquet with vase”

Gorgeous bouquet with vase. Pricey but stunning.

avatar of Jane Masri Jane Masri

“My first time using and it seemed to be…”

My first time using and it seemed to be a nice flower arrangement. Sent to my daughter so didn’t see it personally

avatar of Teresa Norton Teresa Norton

4.5 out of 5

Based on 3407 reviews



Brooklyn’s Borough Park is known for its Jewish population. The neighborhood’s 200 blocks house one of the largest populations of Orthodox and Hasidic Jews of any area in the United States (or, for that matter, of any area outside of Israel). The neighborhood’s status as a Jewish settlement carries over to its personality. Synagogues and Jewish-friendly businesses—including kosher grocery stores and bakeries line the streets. Yiddish is widely spoken in this neighborhood, and the concentration of Jewish families means that it’s a more kid-friendly spot than most neighborhoods in Brooklyn. The focus on family values and religious traditions makes Borough Park feel like a very safe, tight-knit community.

If you are in the area looking for a meal, expect kosher menus that appeal to the local population. The Loft Steakhouse serves kosher steaks and sushi; Amnon’s Kosher Pizza serves (you guessed it!) kosher pizza; and Spoons is a coffee shop/restaurant hybrid with a varied kosher menu, including appetizers, sandwiches, pasta, and more. Jewish weddings are common in the neighborhood, and there are several Borough Park flower shops to meet the constant demand for floral décor.

If you want to surprise a significant other with a flower delivery in Borough Park, though, call Ode a la Rose. We are based in Manhattan but are happy to deliver our beautiful flower arrangements to businesses and restaurants in Borough Park.

  • Same Day Delivery

    In NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Austin and Miami. Next day delivery throughout the US

  • Arranged Locally

    Our flower arrangements are meticulously arranged right here in the United States at one of our six local ateliers, where we bring the artistry of French bouquet creation to life

  • Signature Gift Box

    Most of our arrangements are delivered in our distinctive pink box, ensuring the full impact of your considerate gift while safeguarding the flowers

  • Receive a Photo

    What you see is what you get! And as proof, we'll send you an email with a picture of your bouquet