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Send flowers to Fort Greene with Ode à la Rose. Our French inspired flower arrangements designed by our florists in our flower shop are made to impress.

173 bouquets


They talk about us

“Beautiful flowers and beautiful service”

Beautiful flowers and beautiful service

avatar of CJean CJean

“Gorgeous bouquet with vase”

Gorgeous bouquet with vase. Pricey but stunning.

avatar of Jane Masri Jane Masri

“My first time using and it seemed to be…”

My first time using and it seemed to be a nice flower arrangement. Sent to my daughter so didn’t see it personally

avatar of Teresa Norton Teresa Norton

4.5 out of 5

Based on 3407 reviews



Fort Greene is one of Brooklyn’s oldest neighborhoods—one of New York’s designated historic districts and a part of the National Register of Historic Places. The gets its name from an actual Revolutionary War fort, which in turn was named for General Nathanael Greene. Gorgeous, well-preserved mid-19th-century or early 20th-century architecture helps to give Fort Greene a unique character and vibe.

The neighborhood is one of Brooklyn’s cultural epicenters, thanks in part to the presence of the Brooklyn Academy of Music. A venue known for high-brow, often avant-garde performances, the Brooklyn Academy of Music helps preserve Fort Greene’s strong artistic tradition. You’ll also find numerous other performance venues, museums, and arts organizations in Fort Greene.

The neighborhood is more than music, theater, dance, and visual art, though. Explore Fort Greene Park, the oldest park in Brooklyn and a terrific spot for walking dogs, playing tennis, or enjoying the sun. Shopping opportunities abound, with flea markets, boutique stores, and independent bookshops easy to find. If you’re out for a date and looking for a good place to eat, consider the tapas at Olea, a Mediterranean restaurant with a fun vibe and an eclectic menu. To impress your date, why not have a bouquet of flowers waiting at the table when you sit down?

At Ode a la Rose, we deliver floral arrangements to Fort Greene and can work with you to plan the logistics for a lovely romantic surprise.

  • Same Day Delivery

    In NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Austin and Miami. Next day delivery throughout the US

  • Arranged Locally

    Our flower arrangements are meticulously arranged right here in the United States at one of our six local ateliers, where we bring the artistry of French bouquet creation to life

  • Signature Gift Box

    Most of our arrangements are delivered in our distinctive pink box, ensuring the full impact of your considerate gift while safeguarding the flowers

  • Receive a Photo

    What you see is what you get! And as proof, we'll send you an email with a picture of your bouquet