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Unique flower arrangements crafted by a unique florist. Ode à la Rose, the florist with a French touch, provides a premium flower delivery service to Clinton Hill residents in zip code 11205

173 bouquets


They talk about us

“Beautiful flowers and beautiful service”

Beautiful flowers and beautiful service

avatar of CJean CJean

“Gorgeous bouquet with vase”

Gorgeous bouquet with vase. Pricey but stunning.

avatar of Jane Masri Jane Masri

“My first time using and it seemed to be…”

My first time using and it seemed to be a nice flower arrangement. Sent to my daughter so didn’t see it personally

avatar of Teresa Norton Teresa Norton

4.5 out of 5

Based on 3407 reviews



Thanks in part to its lively, artistic atmosphere, Clinton Hill has become one of Brooklyn’s most popular neighborhoods for young professionals. It’s a diverse area with a robust urban personality, but also has a leisurely small-town feel to it that makes it a favorite living spot for those who have to commute to Manhattan for work. It’s also a fun place to visit, thanks to its welcoming cafes, bike-friendly streets, and artistic sensibility.

Art is everywhere on the streets of Clinton Hill. You’ll find it painted on the sides of buildings, suspended between buildings in alleys, or in the middle of neighborhood parks. There’s always something to feast your eyes on while exploring Clinton Hill. Speaking of feasting, Clinton Hill is like other neighborhoods in Brooklyn in that it offers a diverse array of dining and nightlife options. Dosa Royale is terrific for those with more adventurous palates, offering huge portions of Indian food at reasonable prices.

If you’re in the mood for a pizza, Luigi’s Pizzeria takes the title of “Clinton Hill’s favorite pizza place.” At Ode à la Rose, we deliver floral arrangements to Clinton Hill, so if you are planning a proposal or romantic gesture and want to surprise your significant other with a bouquet, we can bring it to you.

  • Same Day Delivery

    In NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Austin and Miami. Next day delivery throughout the US

  • Arranged Locally

    Our flower arrangements are meticulously arranged right here in the United States at one of our six local ateliers, where we bring the artistry of French bouquet creation to life

  • Signature Gift Box

    Most of our arrangements are delivered in our distinctive pink box, ensuring the full impact of your considerate gift while safeguarding the flowers

  • Receive a Photo

    What you see is what you get! And as proof, we'll send you an email with a picture of your bouquet